Monday, February 14, 2005

Fixing healthcare

I would really appreciate if developed and developing countries really take a hard look at healthcare policies.What can be done to solve the problems that exist wherever they are:

  1. Use tools like wiki ( and Stumble Upon and start rating the service.
  2. Promote the sharing of information among colleagues
  3. Spend the barest minimum time on granting of patents and settling disputes.Any good lawyer will help with the same.
  4. Verify the online/work history of people using websites like
  5. Examine other systems of medicine too wherever possible.Search the web.
  6. Minimize/Balance the consumption of foods/drinks that do little good and more harm to the body.
  7. Set up alerts which are releant to the disease to know the latest info on treatment.Google,Ferret (Australia), all give alerts.
  8. Follow these trends on,,
  9. Select keywords carefully.
  10. Give priority to saving life and help in building a healthy lifestyle.
  11. Learn from previous mistakes and share the learning.
  12. Promote healthy exercise.
  13. Do not look upon patients as a source of revenue.They are genuinely troubled people and expenses really add up.Medics too do not have all the answers so do your homework beforehand.
  14. Minimize the waste of power,water and time.

Work on your pet projects whenever you can - it will give satisfaction and bring a smile.A smile cheers up the world around you and spreads a positive message.

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