Saturday, November 20, 2010

Some questions to be asked in Cancun,Mexico

  1. How is poverty going to be reduced globally in a green way?
  2. Will there be access to (nonpolluting and/or least polluting) energy & water at affordable costs?
  3. When will really stinking rich people really help reduce pollution globally?
  4. How will crimes (against humanity) and wars get solved?
  5. Will tech transfer really happen at affordable costs to lesser developed countries?
  6. How will food,energy & water waste be minimized?
  7. When will stinking rich banks,tax haven countries & international governments act against black money stashed in their banks?
All these questions will always remain & unfortunately we will all be motivated by our own selfish interests-the concept of inclusive growth is fine-blogs,ideas,examples of what can be done by people,governments,nonprofits exist-is it enough.? The answer is a "BIG fat NO"

Let us all do more what ever we can,from where ever we are-let us all hope,pray & act in everybody's interest while promoting inclusivity globally - in green,clean & sustainable way.

be more learn a lot more and ignite development where ever you are-it takes about 10 minutes to enter India via an airport and this is the view from a person from a developed country!

Importance of business networks

Online & offline business and tech networks really help out businesses and people to connect a lot faster with each other and most importantly create meaning and enable communities to build a shared (dream) future.

  1. These networks connect you with many really good people who genuinely want to help out and yes they do help.I have been helped out by one such network a 2 days ago.
  2. This help is free or at really low cost-please make the best of the opportunities in front of you-staring at your face!
  3. Connect to other people and reach out to other networks and reciprocate by sharing information of value.Give back - even a few millionaires in US are doing it by refusing tax cuts (see Millionaires to Obama: Tax us - Yahoo! News this should be replicated in India & other developing countries!)
  4. Connect your business globally on social media,social shopping websites,online retailer websites,R&D networks,I can go on and on (email me for specific information ahmedparvez (at)yahoodotcom
  5. Know the customers,influencers and the consumers and even more importantly know the difference between each of these people and/or communities !
  6. The message is the medium and more often than not becomes the channel and later a trusted source of information.
  7. Many people & firms are into business matchmaking - know that and learn how to use the opportunities that present themselves (a firm I know is called
  8. A lot of time & money is saved by using the internet-use it a lot better and reach out!
  9. Movement of many people is becoming simpler and is more frequent than ever-this really is creating global business opportunities and even more opportunities to create meaningful change.
  10. All of us actually learn from each other and you are worth a lot more when you are connected.My best example is
So go out and do what ever possible-give back to your world,family and to the earth!