Saturday, January 29, 2005

Build Traffic to your blog

How does one grab - attention of the people who make a difference?

  1. Define the type of people who make a difference to life first-they should improve their own quality of life and carry the whole country with them by being effective brand ambassadors.Eg Ross mayfield is a brand ambassador for Estonia and US .
  2. These people need to have names and should be able to pull crowds by endorsing you and being your advocates who will stick for you,give a whack when needed and most importantly mentor you,your blog and help you grow your own business and make you reach a specific goal. Eg David Beckham for football should write on say your football blog!
  3. Have an opinion on the latest event that happens and make sure you blog regularly on different topics to retain the interest of the visitors to your blog.Write about the good,the bad & the ugly in your industry - it will surely get you numbers!.
  4. Build trust with your existing visitors and get them to be your advocates!.If they write something on your blog be sure to acknowledge their concerns and take remedial action if they have a complaint or graciously acknowledge their contribution and above all try to be consistent.
  5. Have faith in the Almighty and leave the rest to Him - accept His commands as it is only He who makes things happen ! Belief is the only thing that takes one forward and what you believe in is what only you know and many times even we do not know what to believe in these days-just hope and pray for the best and do whatever you can to help out other people.
Keep the faith good stuff always finds a way of getting noticed so persevere and you will be rewarded!.Submit to all search engines,blog search engines,write your blog address on your visiting card,publicize your blog on your company website,introduce wiki into your blog,use stumble upon like a tool,write about your blog in Social networks like,ryze,orkut,linkedin,etc.

If doing all this does not get traffic to your blog then refer to point no 5.

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