Friday, July 23, 2004

Methods and Tools for Software development

there exists a free magazine for developing software.

A secret is that your identity will be kept confidential.So what are you waiting for!!

free practical knowledge and information on all topics of application development and software engineering:  Web Testing, UML, Object Orientation, eXtreme Programming,  Databases, Software Configuration Management, Java, .NET, RUP, Software Project Planning, Software Project Management, Estimation, Test Automation, Programming, Software Analysis and Design, Quality Assurance, GUI Building, Programming, Software Process Assessment and Improvement, User Requirements,  E-commerce Development, Peopleware, Software Development Tools, New Methodologies, Risk Management, Refactoring, IT Industry News etc...

Email me for the link

I want to check how stupid I am for giving away such valuable info free.Answers to email will be at my sole discretion only and may not be what you expect.All who email me beware!I may just answer the qestion you have.


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