Saturday, July 18, 2009

Banning of plastic bags-I oppose this stupidity

Why is banning plastic bags good-they really save energy and are very convenient - incineration or depolymerization of plastic bags for energy or fuel is an answer- think about which other packing material keeps your food safe, your purchased items waterproof,gives many poor people a means of livelihood,a road that is reinforced by plastic, lightweight,can be recycled multiple number of times-today plastic bags are even biodegradable are you aware of any other material available at low costs for developing countries-how will you provide solutions for more than 10 million poor people,100 million,500 Million,1000 million and more etc without use of plastic, water, food,fuel, oils,chemicals,blood,etc all must have plastics - think before supporting meaningless bans on plastic-one has absolutely no idea of even enforcing such a ban at low costs.Besides plastic bags save trees by reducing paper bags.You want the oxygen to live.
Neither governments nor rich people are willing to give real world solutions and most if not all use plastics-extend this argument to even ewaste,medical waste,Municipal solid waste,etc and you cannot even imagine the cost of not using plastics.

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