Saturday, May 16, 2009

kindnes,knowledge,forgiveness and justice

No person is in a position to command good and forbid wrong, unless he/she imbibes three qualities:
  1. kindness in what he commands and kindness in what he forbids,
  2. knowledge of what he commands and knowledge about what he forbids,
  3. justice in dispensing what he commands and justice in what he forbids
The questions are always there now:
  1. Are we being kind,
  2. Do we even know what we are doing to ourselves and to the world and
  3. Are our actions just and beneficial
Let us not forget somewhere all the questions are stored (in our mind) and the answers are there too (there is only one person who knows and that is you).

Shall I inform what is on a higher level than prayer, fasting and charity?

Making reconciliation among yourselves. Discord among yourselves will lead to your detriment. [Prophet Muhammad (pbuh-peace be upon him)]

One must be able to forgive and go ahead in life - accepting that everything cannot be changed is the only basis.

We will be more ready to forgive if we realize that…

~ people did, do and will hurt us (just as we at times hurt others)

~ we too need forgiveness (just as others deserve ours)

~ resentment hurts us more than the person against whom they are held

~ our faith prefers forgiveness over resentment and vengeance

When we forgive we may not change the negativity of the past, but we certainly can affect the future in a positive way.Let us all be more merciful and genuinely try to solve problems we face only then will we get the best mercy from The Almighty.

Never can good and bad be equal. Repel the negative with something better, in such a manner that the person between you and whom there was animosity, turns to close friendship; None shall be inclined to this except those who possess the capacity for patient perseverance, and those with tremendous resolve.

Let us all try to be fair,kind,merciful and just to all - we owe it to ourselves and the coming generations.

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