Monday, October 11, 2004

Who says "C" is simple?

I knew there was always a catch-many of my friends say computing is simple!Well I found out it is not so simple after all-it does take a lot of effort to learn programming and management of software to give out quality results to companies and people and not for profit bodies alike and all this calls for mastery of programming and knowing how to use programs and the internet.

Who Says C is Simple?

"When I (George) started to write CIL I thought it was going to take two weeks. Exactly a year has passed since then and I am still fixing bugs in it. This gross underestimate was due to the fact that I thought parsing and making sense of C is simple. You probably think the same. What I did not expect was how many dark corners this language has, especially if you want to parse real-world programs such as those written for GCC or if you are more ambitious and you want to parse the Linux or Windows NT sources (both of these were written without any respect for the standard and with the expectation that compilers will be changed to accommodate the program). The following examples were actually encountered either in real programs or are taken from the ISO C99 standard or from the GCC's testcases.

My first reaction when I saw these was: Is this C?.

The second one was : What the hell does it mean?

Provide answers before going through the website below.

Who Says C is Simple?
Standard C
GCC ugliness
Microsoft VC ugliness

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