Monday, June 13, 2005

Developing science and Tech in India

We all should remember here that the ink of the scholar who does the best he can for common people is really better than the blood the martyrs for a cause.All R & D should benefit common people and not cartels that merely fix prices and indulge in favoritism and are least bothered about other people.Such people also exist and people from such cartels too have been known to change for the better when the realization comes.

It is essential to have an assured career in science for a certain number of high quality committed scientists with aptitude towards research. There should be a minimum annual intake of about 300-500 M.Sc., and 100-200 Ph.D. scientists with proper emoluments and assured career growth in the organisations such as ISRO, DRDO, Atomic Energy, CSIR, DST and the Universities. The private and government funded universities must be encouraged to appoint M.Sc., and Ph.D. who have been selected through a nationally coordinated competitive selection process.

I would love to see true fairness in recruitment here.When will the government deliver on promises made-speedy implementation is the key here.It has to be measured.

The experienced scientists and policy makers of the organisations must recognize the talents available in the organisation irrespective of the position and empower the young scientists to create state-of-the art laboratories once they have concrete thoughts and vision.

These people in power must be held accountable for the salaries drawn and the reporting has to be to a body of professionals who will act in the interests of society.

Kindly do your bit instead of playing with careers of students and faculty alike.Sincerity does make a difference and a single person can bring about change-the will has to be there.
Even a single person is able to bring change-what is needed is belief and conviction and most important of all support.

Universities and Research and Development institutions must encourage and facilitate the young scientists to write quality research papers in frontier areas and in prestigious journals. They should also facilitate the youth to present the papers in national and international seminars and symposiums which will enable them to assess their standard against international benchmarks.

Why publish and sell our ideas for free-I would love to see us making money from our ideas or do we need foreigners to tell us how to make money too.Surely we should extract our pound of flesh.

The youth must be made to understand the beauty of doing science, the pleasure of doing science and the ultimate bliss when the results of science make them understand the nature, master it, control it and finally make things that improve the quality of life of the human kind. Every one of us, scientists must pledge that we will at least spend sometime visiting the schools to ignite the young minds by recounting our own experiences.

Beauty does not feed hungry mouths-there is a need for jobs entrepreneurs and people with guts to follow through and go the whole 9 yards.Get prominent members from industry to drive our research and development and make these people
accountable to tax payer with jail terms if needed.

Make sure the police do their jobs and so do the lawyers and policy makers.Reduce and later eliminate corruption.That is what will work. For a great example on how to reduce corruption and still get good work done from people look at the Indian Railways-it is continously minimizing corruption by reducing contact points between people and managing to increase technlogy usage in Indian Railways.

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