Wednesday, April 13, 2005

An enterprise accelaration company

If you have a special server-based application with a half-second response time in the United States, and a five-second response time in India, it's a big problem. Companies that can optimize the performance of WAN-based applications to make acceptable response times without costing more will do well.

Swan Labs, a company that participates exactly in enterprise-application acceleration. It designs and builds appliances to perform these services for large enterprises.

I am beginning to like the talk about such companies with innovative products and services.When will people learn to love saving time better by using better technology.I think companies in the Enterprise accelaration space will do well.What needs to be done is see how we can use technology better.


Become better and faster and differentiate yourselves if you can afford it or barter-it still works,just find out the pain points of the other company/person whose need you can aticipate and complete.

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