Saturday, March 19, 2005

Overcoming lack of knowledge & experience

Knowledge and experience of the type of business you are starting or buying are certainly important to have. But, a lack of either, or of both, can be overcome.One has to be pragmatic and find a solution that works at a low cost.

What I am doing to overcome the drawbacks I have in me:

  1. Learning from the best people,companies,websites and books I know.
  2. Trying the whole process out for myself .
  3. Build on the gains from the learning experience.
  4. Keeping myself updated on what is happening in business, R & D and the impact on markets.
  5. Being as frugal as possible
One has to keep the past of individuals and friends and companies in mind and not neglect the oldest proverbs in business and life-I ignored a proverb and paid dearly for it and in future I will be really cautious.

The link for today will be

It is the among the best links I have found to date and the good professors thinking has influenced me quite a bit and there is still a lot to be learned about creating new opportunities and finding customers and as always hard cash is king for any business venture.Enough said.

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