Saturday, December 27, 2014

Water,loans and simplfy lives by doing more

Doing more cleanly literally transforms life by making it easier to do work and measure results-simple same language subtitling in TV and/or any display increases literacy globally and enables faster learning of multiple languages-the same message translated into different languages enables entering new markets for the same products.Access to clean water transforms lives- people spend 40 billion hours every year walking for water. Women and children usually bear the burden of water collection, walking miles to the nearest source, which is unprotected and likely contaminated.
Time spent walking and resulting diseases keep them from school, work and taking care of their families. With safe water nearby, women are free to pursue new opportunities and improve their families’ lives. Clean water transforms lives, communities and generations — and at a surprisingly low cost.New services like Kiva (see and microfinance will be able to empower people to participate in projects that provide clear drinking water like to common people. Water is an answer to many a prayer globally and so is exposure to opportunities to provide water,energy affordably and in general spreading good work to many people who do not have-the other most important thing that happens in the process that some cynics convert and this provides even more opportunities to people.More later.

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