Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Vertigo & Write to spread a message

Vertigo - understand what it is - get treatment & spread info globally for all to benefit - always remember everyone else was patient  & all (patients,friends,strangers & families) deserve better - it is a condition that gives a false sense of motion,dizziness,lightheadedness & imbalance. There is some treatment available check out

Measure the impact of what is being spread - is anything worth reading & understanding today given the multiple sources of info that exist today - yes such stuff does exist - find it,present it & spread the impact as someone is going to benefit at some point of time - that itself is worth the effort made to write down something of value - every thing impacts globally - some stuff truly spreads very fast- the best example is email - impact :

  1.  many trees saved from being chopped globally to write letters
  2. a message reaching the recipient possibly the fastest
  3. least consumption of energy
  4. farthest possible reach - even in space
Write with impact - period.

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